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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Plankton


This is the main class that describes a plankton mesh.

    public class PlanktonMesh
        private PlanktonVertexList _vertices;
        private PlanktonHalfEdgeList _halfedges;
        private PlanktonFaceList _faces;
        #region "constructors"


Initializes a new (empty) instance of the PlanktonMesh class.

        public PlanktonMesh()


Initializes a new (duplicate) instance of the PlanktonMesh class.

        public PlanktonMesh(PlanktonMesh source)
            foreach (var v in source.Vertices)
                this.Vertices.Add(new PlanktonVertex() {
                                      OutgoingHalfedge = v.OutgoingHalfedge,
                                      X = v.X,
                                      Y = v.Y,
                                      Z = v.Z
            foreach (var f in source.Faces)
                this.Faces.Add(new PlanktonFace() { FirstHalfedge = f.FirstHalfedge });
            foreach (var h in source.Halfedges)
                this.Halfedges.Add(new PlanktonHalfedge() {
                                       StartVertex = h.StartVertex,
                                       AdjacentFace = h.AdjacentFace,
                                       NextHalfedge = h.NextHalfedge,
                                       PrevHalfedge = h.PrevHalfedge,

        #region "properties"


Gets access to the PlanktonVertexList collection in this mesh.

        public PlanktonVertexList Vertices
            get { return _vertices ?? (_vertices = new PlanktonVertexList(this)); }


Gets access to the PlanktonHalfedgeList collection in this mesh.

        public PlanktonHalfEdgeList Halfedges
            get { return _halfedges ?? (_halfedges = new PlanktonHalfEdgeList(this)); }


Gets access to the PlanktonFaceList collection in this mesh.

        public PlanktonFaceList Faces
            get { return _faces ?? (_faces = new PlanktonFaceList(this)); }

        #region "general methods"


Calculate the volume of the mesh

        public double Volume()
            double VolumeSum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Faces.Count; i++)
                int[] FaceVerts = this.Faces.GetFaceVertices(i);
                int EdgeCount = FaceVerts.Length;
                if (EdgeCount == 3)
                    PlanktonXYZ P = this.Vertices[FaceVerts[0]].ToXYZ();
                    PlanktonXYZ Q = this.Vertices[FaceVerts[1]].ToXYZ();
                    PlanktonXYZ R = this.Vertices[FaceVerts[2]].ToXYZ();
                    //get the signed volume of the tetrahedron formed by the triangle and the origin
                    VolumeSum += (1 / 6d) * (
                           P.X * Q.Y * R.Z +
                           P.Y * Q.Z * R.X +
                           P.Z * Q.X * R.Y -
                           P.X * Q.Z * R.Y -
                           P.Y * Q.X * R.Z -
                           P.Z * Q.Y * R.X);
                    PlanktonXYZ P = this._faces.GetFaceCenter(i);
                    for (int j = 0; j < EdgeCount; j++)
                        PlanktonXYZ Q = this.Vertices[FaceVerts[j]].ToXYZ();
                        PlanktonXYZ R = this.Vertices[FaceVerts[(j + 1) % EdgeCount]].ToXYZ();
                        VolumeSum += (1 / 6d) * (
                            P.X * Q.Y * R.Z + 
                            P.Y * Q.Z * R.X + 
                            P.Z * Q.X * R.Y - 
                            P.X * Q.Z * R.Y - 
                            P.Y * Q.X * R.Z - 
                            P.Z * Q.Y * R.X);
            return VolumeSum;

        public PlanktonMesh Dual()
            // hack for open meshes
            // TODO: improve this ugly method
            if (this.IsClosed() == false)
                var dual = new PlanktonMesh();

                // create vertices from face centers
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Faces.Count; i++)

                // create faces from the adjacent face indices of non-boundary vertices
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++)
                    if (this.Vertices.IsBoundary(i))

                return dual;

            // can later add options for other ways of defining face centres (barycenter/circumcenter etc)
            // won't work yet with naked boundaries

            PlanktonMesh P = this;
            PlanktonMesh D = new PlanktonMesh();

            //for every primal face, add the barycenter to the dual's vertex list
            //dual vertex outgoing HE is primal face's start HE
            //for every vertex of the primal, add a face to the dual
            //dual face's startHE is primal vertex's outgoing's pair

            for (int i = 0; i < P.Faces.Count; i++)
                var fc = P.Faces.GetFaceCenter(i);
                D.Vertices.Add(new PlanktonVertex(fc.X, fc.Y, fc.Z));
                int[] FaceHalfedges = P.Faces.GetHalfedges(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < FaceHalfedges.Length; j++)
                    if (P.Halfedges[P.Halfedges.GetPairHalfedge(FaceHalfedges[j])].AdjacentFace != -1)
                        // D.Vertices[i].OutgoingHalfedge = FaceHalfedges[j];
                        D.Vertices[D.Vertices.Count-1].OutgoingHalfedge = P.Halfedges.GetPairHalfedge(FaceHalfedges[j]);

            for (int i = 0; i < P.Vertices.Count; i++)
                if (P.Vertices.NakedEdgeCount(i) == 0)
                    int df = D.Faces.Add(PlanktonFace.Unset);
                    // D.Faces[i].FirstHalfedge = P.PairHalfedge(P.Vertices[i].OutgoingHalfedge);
                    D.Faces[df].FirstHalfedge = P.Vertices[i].OutgoingHalfedge;

            // dual halfedge start V is primal AdjacentFace
            // dual halfedge AdjacentFace is primal end V
            // dual nextHE is primal's pair's prev
            // dual prevHE is primal's next's pair

            // halfedge pairs stay the same

            for (int i = 0; i < P.Halfedges.Count; i++)
                if ((P.Halfedges[i].AdjacentFace != -1) & (P.Halfedges[P.Halfedges.GetPairHalfedge(i)].AdjacentFace != -1))
                    PlanktonHalfedge DualHE = PlanktonHalfedge.Unset;
                    PlanktonHalfedge PrimalHE = P.Halfedges[i];
                    //DualHE.StartVertex = PrimalHE.AdjacentFace;
                    DualHE.StartVertex = P.Halfedges[P.Halfedges.GetPairHalfedge(i)].AdjacentFace;

                    if (P.Vertices.NakedEdgeCount(PrimalHE.StartVertex) == 0)
                        //DualHE.AdjacentFace = P.Halfedges[P.PairHalfedge(i)].StartVertex;
                        DualHE.AdjacentFace = PrimalHE.StartVertex;
                    else { DualHE.AdjacentFace = -1; }
                    //This will currently fail with open meshes...
                    //one option could be to build the dual with all halfedges, but mark some as dead
                    //if they connect to vertex -1
                    //mark the 'external' faces all as -1 (the ones that are dual to boundary verts)
                    //then go through and if any next or prevs are dead hes then replace them with the next one around
                    //this needs to be done repeatedly until no further change

                    //DualHE.NextHalfedge = P.Halfedges[P.PairHalfedge(i)].PrevHalfedge;
                    DualHE.NextHalfedge = P.Halfedges.GetPairHalfedge(PrimalHE.PrevHalfedge);

                    //DualHE.PrevHalfedge = P.PairHalfedge(PrimalHE.NextHalfedge);
                    DualHE.PrevHalfedge = P.Halfedges[P.Halfedges.GetPairHalfedge(i)].NextHalfedge;

            return D;

        public bool IsClosed()
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Halfedges.Count; i++)
                if (this.Halfedges[i].AdjacentFace < 0)
                    return false;
            return true;


Truncates the vertices of a mesh.


  • t: Optional parameter for the normalised distance along each edge to control the amount of truncation.


A new mesh, the result of the truncation.

        public PlanktonMesh TruncateVertices(float t = 1f/3)
            // TODO: handle special cases (t = 0.0, t = 0.5, t > 0.5)
            var tMesh = new PlanktonMesh(this);

            var vxyz = tMesh.Vertices.Select(v => v.ToXYZ()).ToArray();
            PlanktonXYZ v0, v1, v2;
            int[] oh;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++)
                oh = this.Vertices.GetHalfedges(i);
                foreach (var h in oh)
                    v0 = vxyz[this.Halfedges[h].StartVertex];
                    v1 = vxyz[this.Halfedges.EndVertex(h)];
                    v2 = v0 + (v1 - v0) * t;
                    tMesh.Vertices.SetVertex(tMesh.Halfedges[h].StartVertex, v2.X, v2.Y, v2.Z);

            return tMesh;

        /* Hide for the time being to avoid confusion...
        public void RefreshVertexNormals()
        public void RefreshFaceNormals()
        public void RefreshEdgeNormals()


Removes any unreferenced objects from arrays, reindexes as needed and shrinks arrays to minimum required size.

        public void Compact()
            // Compact vertices, faces and halfedges

        //dihedral angle for an edge

        //skeletonize - build a new mesh with 4 faces for each original edge
