using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
//using Rhino.Geometry;
namespace Plankton
public class PlanktonFaceList : IEnumerable<PlanktonFace>
private readonly PlanktonMesh _mesh;
private List<PlanktonFace> _list;
Initializes a new instance of the PlanktonFaceList class. Should be called from the mesh constructor.
internal PlanktonFaceList(PlanktonMesh owner)
this._list = new List<PlanktonFace>();
this._mesh = owner;
public int Count
return this._list.Count;
#region methods
#region face access
Adds a new face to the end of the Face list.
The index of the newly added face.
internal int Add(PlanktonFace face)
if (face == null) return -1;
return this.Count - 1;
Adds a new face to the end of the Face list. Creates any halfedge pairs that are required.
The index of the newly added face (-1 in the case that the face could not be added).
The mesh must remain 2-manifold and orientable at all times.
public int AddFace(IEnumerable<int> indices)
// This method always ensures that if a vertex lies on a boundary,
// vertex -> outgoingHalfedge -> adjacentFace == -1
int[] array = indices.ToArray(); // using Linq for convenience
var hs = _mesh.Halfedges;
var vs = _mesh.Vertices;
int n = array.Length;
// Don't allow degenerate faces
if (n < 3) return -1;
// Check vertices
foreach (int i in array)
// Check that all vertex indices exist in this mesh
if (i < 0 || i >= vs.Count)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("No vertex exists at this index.");
// Check that all vertices are on a boundary
int outgoing = vs[i].OutgoingHalfedge;
if (outgoing != -1 && hs[outgoing].AdjacentFace != -1)
return -1;
// For each pair of vertices, check for an existing halfedge
// If it exists, check that it doesn't already have a face
// If it doesn't exist, mark for creation of a new halfedge pair
int[] loop = new int[n];
bool[] is_new = new bool[n];
for (int i = 0, ii = 1; i < n; i++, ii++, ii %= n)
int v1 = array[i], v2 = array[ii];
// Find existing edge, if it exists
int h = hs.FindHalfedge(v1, v2);
if (h < 0)
// No halfedge found, mark for creation
is_new[i] = true;
else if (hs[h].AdjacentFace > -1)
// Existing halfedge already has a face (non-manifold)
return -1;
loop[i] = h;
// NOTE: To PREVENT non-manifold vertices, uncomment the line below...
//if(is_new[i] && is_new[(i+n-1)%n] && vs[v1].OutgoingHalfedge > -1) return -1;
// Now create any missing halfedge pairs...
// (This could be done in the loop above but it avoids having to tidy up
// any recently added halfedges should a non-manifold edge be found.)
for (int i = 0, ii = 1; i < n; i++, ii++, ii %= n)
if (is_new[i]) // new halfedge pair required
int v1 = array[i], v2 = array[ii];
loop[i] = hs.AddPair(v1, v2, this.Count);
// Link existing halfedge to new face
hs[loop[i]].AdjacentFace = this.Count;
// Link halfedges
for (int i = 0, ii = 1; i < n; i++, ii++, ii %= n)
//int v1 = array[i];
int v2 = array[ii];
int id = 0;
if (is_new[i]) id += 1; // first is new
if (is_new[ii]) id += 2; // second is new
// Check for non-manifold vertex case, i.e. both current halfedges are new
// but the vertex between them is already part of another face. This vertex
// will have TWO OR MORE outgoing boundary halfedges! (Not strictly allowed,
// but it could happen if faces are added in an UGLY order.)
// TODO: If a mesh has non-manifold vertices perhaps it should be considered
// INVALID. Any operations performed on such a mesh cannot be relied upon to
// perform correctly as the adjacency information may not be correct.
// (More reading:
if (id == 3 && vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge > -1) id++; // id == 4
if (id > 0) // At least one of the halfedge pairs is new...
// Link outer halfedges
int outer_prev = -1, outer_next = -1;
switch (id)
case 1: // first is new, second is old
// iterate through halfedges clockwise around vertex #v2 until boundary
outer_prev = hs[loop[ii]].PrevHalfedge;
outer_next = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[i]);
case 2: // second is new, first is old
outer_prev = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[ii]);
outer_next = hs[loop[i]].NextHalfedge;
case 3: // both are new
outer_prev = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[ii]);
outer_next = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[i]);
case 4: // both are new (non-manifold vertex)
// We have TWO boundaries to take care of here: first...
outer_prev = hs[vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge].PrevHalfedge;
outer_next = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[i]);
hs[outer_prev].NextHalfedge = outer_next;
hs[outer_next].PrevHalfedge = outer_prev;
// and second...
outer_prev = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[ii]);
outer_next = vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge;
// outer_{prev,next} should now be set, so store links in HDS
if (outer_prev > -1 && outer_next > -1)
hs[outer_prev].NextHalfedge = outer_next;
hs[outer_next].PrevHalfedge = outer_prev;
// Link inner halfedges
hs[loop[i]].NextHalfedge = loop[ii];
hs[loop[ii]].PrevHalfedge = loop[i];
// ensure vertex->outgoing is boundary if vertex is boundary
if (is_new[i]) // first is new
vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge = loop[i] + 1;
else // both old (non-manifold vertex trickery below)
// In the case that v2 links to the current second halfedge, creating a
// face here will redefine v2 as a non-boundary vertex. Do a quick lap of
// v2's other outgoing halfedges in case one of them is still a boundary
// (as will be the case if v2 was non-manifold).
if (vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge == loop[ii])
foreach (int h in hs.GetVertexCirculator(loop[ii]).Skip(1))
if (hs[h].AdjacentFace < 0)
vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge = h;
// If inner loop exists, but for some reason it's not already linked
// (non-manifold vertex) make loop[i] adjacent to loop[ii]. Tidy up other
// halfedge links such that all outgoing halfedges remain visible to v2.
if (hs[loop[i]].NextHalfedge != loop[ii] || hs[loop[ii]].PrevHalfedge != loop[i])
int next = hs[loop[i]].NextHalfedge;
int prev = hs[loop[ii]].PrevHalfedge;
// Find another boundary at this vertex to link 'next' and 'prev' into.
int boundary = hs.GetVertexCirculator(loop[ii]).Skip(1)
.First(h => hs[h].AdjacentFace < 0);
hs.MakeConsecutive(loop[i], loop[ii]);
hs.MakeConsecutive(hs[boundary].PrevHalfedge, next);
hs.MakeConsecutive(prev, boundary);
// If no other boundary is found, something must be wrong...
catch (InvalidOperationException)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
"Failed to relink halfedges around vertex #{0} during creation of face #{1}", v2, this.Count));
// Finally, add the face and return its index
PlanktonFace f = new PlanktonFace() { FirstHalfedge = loop[0] };
return this.Add(f);
Appends a new triangular face to the end of the mesh face list. Creates any halfedge pairs that are required.
The index of the newly added face (-1 in the case that the face could not be added).
The mesh must remain 2-manifold and orientable at all times.
public int AddFace(int a, int b, int c)
return this.AddFace(new int[] { a, b, c });
Appends a new quadragular face to the end of the mesh face list. Creates any halfedge pairs that are required.
The index of the newly added face (-1 in the case that the face could not be added).
The mesh must remain 2-manifold and orientable at all times.
public int AddFace(int a, int b, int c, int d)
return this.AddFace(new int[] { a, b, c, d });
Appends a list of faces to the end of the mesh face list.
Indices of the newly created faces.
public int[] AddFaces(IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> faces)
return faces.Select(f => this.AddFace(f)).ToArray();
Removes a face from the mesh without affecting the remaining geometry.
Ensures that the topology of the halfedge mesh remains fully intact.
public void RemoveFace(int index)
int[] fhs = this.GetHalfedges(index);
foreach (int h in fhs)
if (_mesh.Halfedges.IsBoundary(h))
// If halfedge is on a boundary then remove the pair
// If halfedge was not previously a boundary, it is now
var heObj = _mesh.Halfedges[h];
heObj.AdjacentFace = -1;
_mesh.Vertices[heObj.StartVertex].OutgoingHalfedge = h;
this[index] = PlanktonFace.Unset;
Returns the PlanktonFace at the given index.
The face at the given index.
public PlanktonFace this[int index]
return this._list[index];
internal set
this._list[index] = value;
internal void CompactHelper()
int marker = 0; // Location where the current face should be moved to
// Run through all the faces
for (int iter = 0; iter < _list.Count; iter++)
// If face is alive, check if we need to shuffle it down the list
if (!_list[iter].IsUnused)
if (marker < iter)
// Room to shuffle. Copy current face to marked slot.
_list[marker] = _list[iter];
// Update all halfedges which are adjacent
int first = _list[marker].FirstHalfedge;
foreach (int h in _mesh.Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(first))
_mesh.Halfedges[h].AdjacentFace = marker;
marker++; // That spot's filled. Advance the marker.
// Trim list down to new size
if (marker < _list.Count) { _list.RemoveRange(marker, _list.Count - marker); }
#region traversals
Traverses the halfedge indices which bound a face.
An enumerable of halfedge indices incident to the specified face. Ordered anticlockwise around the face.
[Obsolete("GetHalfedgesCirculator(int) is deprecated, please use" +
"Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(int) instead.")]
public IEnumerable<int> GetHalfedgesCirculator(int f)
int he_first = this[f].FirstHalfedge;
if (he_first < 0) yield break; // face has no connectivity, exit
int he_current = he_first;
yield return he_current;
he_current = _mesh.Halfedges[he_current].NextHalfedge;
while (he_current != he_first);
#region adjacency queries
Gets the halfedges which bound a face.
The indices of halfedges incident to a particular face. Ordered anticlockwise around the face.
public int[] GetHalfedges(int f)
return _mesh.Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(this[f].FirstHalfedge).ToArray();
Gets vertex indices of a face.
An array of vertex indices incident to the specified face. Ordered anticlockwise around the face.
public int[] GetFaceVertices(int f)
return _mesh.Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(this[f].FirstHalfedge)
.Select(h => _mesh.Halfedges[h].StartVertex).ToArray();
[Obsolete("GetVertices is deprecated, please use GetFaceVertices instead.")]
public int[] GetVertices(int f)
return this.GetFaceVertices(f);
#region Euler operators
Split a face into two faces by inserting a new edge
The index of one of the newly created halfedges, or -1 on failure. The returned halfedge will be adjacent to the pre-existing face.
public int SplitFace(int to, int from)
// split the adjacent face in 2
// by creating a new edge from the start of the given halfedge
// to another vertex around the face
var hs = _mesh.Halfedges;
// check preconditions
int existing_face = hs[from].AdjacentFace;
if (existing_face == -1 || existing_face != hs[to].AdjacentFace) { return -1; }
if (from == to || hs[from].NextHalfedge == to || hs[to].NextHalfedge == from) { return -1; }
// add the new halfedge pair
int new_halfedge1 = hs.AddPair(hs[from].StartVertex, hs[to].StartVertex, existing_face);
int new_halfedge2 = hs.GetPairHalfedge(new_halfedge1);
// add a new face
//PlanktonFace new_face = new PlanktonFace();
int new_face_index = this.Add(PlanktonFace.Unset);
//link everything up
//prev of input he becomes prev of new_he1
hs.MakeConsecutive(hs[from].PrevHalfedge, new_halfedge1);
//prev of he_around becomes prev of new_he2
hs.MakeConsecutive(hs[to].PrevHalfedge, new_halfedge2);
//next of new_he1 becomes he_around
hs.MakeConsecutive(new_halfedge1, to);
//next of new_he2 becomes index
hs.MakeConsecutive(new_halfedge2, from);
//set the original face's first halfedge to new_he1
this[existing_face].FirstHalfedge = new_halfedge1;
//set the new face's first halfedge to new_he2
this[new_face_index].FirstHalfedge = new_halfedge2;
//set adjface of new face loop
foreach (int h in _mesh.Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(new_halfedge2))
hs[h].AdjacentFace = new_face_index;
//think thats all of it!
return new_halfedge1;
Merges the two faces incident to the specified halfedge pair.
The successor of index around the face, or -1 on failure.
The invariant will return a, leaving the mesh unchanged.
public int MergeFaces(int index)
var hs = _mesh.Halfedges;
int pair = hs.GetPairHalfedge(index);
int face = hs[index].AdjacentFace;
int pair_face = hs[pair].AdjacentFace;
// Check for a face on both sides
if (face == -1 || pair_face == -1) { return -1; }
// Both vertices incident to given halfedge must have valence > 2
if (3 > _mesh.Vertices.GetHalfedges(hs[index].StartVertex).Length) { return -1; }
if (3 > _mesh.Vertices.GetHalfedges(hs[pair].StartVertex).Length) { return -1; }
// Make combined face halfedges consecutive
int index_prev = hs[index].PrevHalfedge;
int index_next = hs[index].NextHalfedge;
// Remove halfedges (handles re-linking at ends and re-assigning vertices' outgoing hes)
// Update retained face's first halfedge, if necessary
if (this[face].FirstHalfedge == index)
this[face].FirstHalfedge = index_next;
// Go around the dead face, reassigning adjacency
foreach (int h in hs.GetFaceCirculator(index_next))
hs[h].AdjacentFace = face;
// Keep the adjacent face, but remove the pair's adjacent face
this[pair_face] = PlanktonFace.Unset;
return index_next;
Divides an n-sided face into n triangles, adding a new vertex in the center of the face.
The index of the central vertex
public int Stellate(int f)
int central_vertex = _mesh.Vertices.Add(this.GetFaceCenter(f));
int CountBefore = _mesh.Halfedges.Count();
int[] FaceHalfEdges = this.GetHalfedges(f);
for (int i = 0; i < FaceHalfEdges.Length; i++)
int ThisHalfEdge = FaceHalfEdges[i];
int TriangleFace;
if (i == 0) {TriangleFace = f;}
else {TriangleFace = this.Add(PlanktonFace.Unset);}
this[TriangleFace].FirstHalfedge = ThisHalfEdge;
_mesh.Halfedges[ThisHalfEdge].AdjacentFace = TriangleFace;
int OutSpoke = _mesh.Halfedges.AddPair(central_vertex, _mesh.Halfedges[ThisHalfEdge].StartVertex, TriangleFace);
if (i == 0) { _mesh.Vertices[central_vertex].OutgoingHalfedge = OutSpoke; }
for (int i = 0; i < FaceHalfEdges.Length; i++)
int ThisHalfEdge = FaceHalfEdges[i];
//link the edge to the ingoing spoke, and the ingoing spoke to the outgoing one
_mesh.Halfedges.MakeConsecutive(ThisHalfEdge, CountBefore + i*2 + 3);
_mesh.Halfedges.MakeConsecutive(CountBefore + (i*2) + 3, CountBefore + (i*2));
//set the AdjacentFace of the ingoing spoke
_mesh.Halfedges[CountBefore + (i * 2) + 3].AdjacentFace = _mesh.Halfedges[ThisHalfEdge].AdjacentFace;
_mesh.Halfedges.MakeConsecutive(ThisHalfEdge, CountBefore + 1);
_mesh.Halfedges.MakeConsecutive(CountBefore + 1, CountBefore + (i*2));
_mesh.Halfedges[CountBefore + 1].AdjacentFace = _mesh.Halfedges[ThisHalfEdge].AdjacentFace;
return central_vertex;
Gets the barycenter of a face's vertices.
The location of the specified face's barycenter.
public PlanktonXYZ GetFaceCenter(int f)
PlanktonXYZ centroid = PlanktonXYZ.Zero;
int count = 0;
foreach (int i in this.GetFaceVertices(f))
centroid += _mesh.Vertices[i].ToXYZ();
centroid *= 1f / count;
return centroid;
[Obsolete("FaceCentroid is deprecated, please use GetFaceCenter instead.")]
public PlanktonXYZ FaceCentroid(int f)
return this.GetFaceCenter(f);
Gets the number of naked edges which bound this face.
The number of halfedges for which the opposite halfedge has no face (i.e. adjacent face index is -1).
public int NakedEdgeCount(int f)
int nakedCount = 0;
foreach (int i in _mesh.Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(this[f].FirstHalfedge))
if (_mesh.Halfedges[_mesh.Halfedges.GetPairHalfedge(i)].AdjacentFace == -1) nakedCount++;
return nakedCount;
#region IEnumerable implementation
public IEnumerator<PlanktonFace> GetEnumerator()
return this._list.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return this.GetEnumerator();